I was asked to put together a mix or to contribute in some way to the 200+ strong Modyfier Blog series a while ago and after a long spat of making the usual excuses about time constrictions I made this... a blend of wierd of wierds sake.
Cue inflated gumpf:
"Music is so personal, and in turn so endlessly subjective. It’s the personal relationship I have with music that I wanted to explore, given that - to me at least - the nature of these mixes is a little…different. It wasn’t planned at length or mused over with a fine edit comb; it was recorded and arranged hastily in one night.
For people who might have read my writing or those who follow the blog for the specific kind of music it covers the choices could be a little weird for weird’s sake, but it was a simple exploration of a neglected record collection that bore it. Obviously there are songs and artists I needed to include for whatever tenuously personal reason, but the particular ‘sound’ I was looking for in all the material exposed itself rather obviously to me at the time.
This mixtape is dedicated to the memory of Ted Danson in Three Men and a Baby; he lived the rawk’n’roll actor lifestyle hard but bolted at the final hurdle. I’d rather be Steve Guttenberg from that film any day; Selleck had the career, the sharp suits and the mustache but Steve...Steve was the one with all the creative flair."
DOWNLOAD: Oli Marlow (Sonic Router) - Process Part 204 (The Book Of Creeps)
01. Gerhard Trede - Technischer Bewegungsablauf (mlr’s Ted Danson edit) [Normal]
02. Foot Village - . (mlr’s Skip To The End edit) [Tome]
03. Mountains - Map Table [Thrill Jockey]
04. Birdengine - Alone With The Beast Folk [Drift Collective]
05. Hymie’s Basement - America Won/America Two [LEX]
06. Skeletons & The Kings Of All Cities - Fake Tits [Ghostly International]
07. Bill Callahan - Invocation Of Ratiocination [Drag City]
08. Liars - It Fit When I Was A Kid [Mute]
09. 13&God - Superman On Ice [Anticon]
10. Instruments - Black Kite [Free Download]
11. Sixtoo - Cue Burner/Soft Weapon [Bully]
12. Soso - All The Useless Things These Hands Have Done [Endemik]
13. Aesop Rock - Coma [Definitive Jux]
14. John Baker - Codename [Trunk] >> Charles Bukowski Outburst
15. 10cc - I'm Not In Love [Mercury]
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